Do you know about "caffeine", in detail? It is well-known that caffeine has stimulant effects and improves concentration. In addition, coffee, tea, energy drinks, and so on contain relatively a lot of caffeine. I sometimes have a can of energy drink or some cups of coffee in order to keep myself awake, particularly when I have a lot of homework or I am in the middle of exams week. Now not only me but also many people, even students have energy drinks such as "M onster Energy ", and " Red Bull ". As long as you take adequate amounts, it just improves the efficiency of your work. However, if you take excessive amounts of caffeine, you probably get dizzy, uneasy, irritated, a headache, and an irregular pulse. In the worst case, you may become a caffeine addict, or pass away. In 2010, Health Canada(HC) recommended healthy adults to restrict the amount of caffeine intake to at most 400g a day. According to this recommendation,...